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Customer First, Service Escort ——Prinx Chengshan TBR Dealers Meeting Held in Chengdu

Date:2021-05-26    views:1028

From May 22th to 23th, the third Prinx Chengshan TBR Dealers Meeting was held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Dealers from Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi and other regions gathered together. Wang Yu, director of TBR replacement sales center of Prinx Chengshan Holding Co., Ltd., attended the meeting.


The theme of this series of meetings is "working together with one heart, working together for win-win", which aims to listen to and solve the business pain points of dealers, build an ecological chain of cooperation and mutual assistance among factories, businesses and stores, strengthen communication, share market information and sales experience, study and judge the development trend of the industry, grasp new opportunities and achieve new breakthroughs.



Two meetings have been successfully held in Wuhan and Yangzhou, with dealers from all over the country participating in and seeking common development. The meeting in Chengdu mainly focused on the southwest region. At the meeting, company representatives and dealers shared the business development of southwest region in the first four months of this year, and planned and prospected the future sales work on the basis of the business consensus of "stabilizing the network, removing inventory and improving circulation".


All along, the southwest region is an important market for Prinx Chengshan TBR replacement business. With high-quality products, good reputation, accurate market positioning and innovative services, Prinx Chengshan has accumulated certain market competitive advantages in the southwest region. In the current situation, how to reasonably plan the sales rhythm, speed up the transition and adjustment of the sales structure and profit structure, and improve the profitability while increasing the market share have become the key for dealers to create new business growth.




Therefore, according to the market characteristics of southwest region, Prinx Chengshan provides support and guarantee for dealers from product matrix, policy support, service support, market regulation, brand promotion and so on. At the same time, Prinx Chengshan makes policies to attract and encourage retailers and drivers to participate in sales promotion to speak for the brand. Relying on CFH123, CFH133 and other flagship patterns with high mileage, low rolling resistance and more comfortable performance, Prinx Chengshan helps dealers reserve potential customers and make sales breakthroughs.


Thanks to the strong support of the dealers over the years, the brand awareness and influence of Chengshan Tire are continuously improving. In 2020, Chengshan Tire won many awards, such as "Top 10 Influential Brands of China Tire" selected by World Brand Lab, and "Most Trusted Products by Truck Drivers" selected by Golden Bee award, which were recognized by industry experts, end users and other groups. In the future, Prinx Chengshan will also continue to adhere to the concept of "customer-centered", from the whole field of production and operation, spare no effort to provide service for customers, ensure the efficient collaboration and seamless cooperation among factories, dealers and stores, and work hand in hand with partners to realize win-win of brand value and economic benefits.